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Important Information

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Welcome to TWCRP! We're a tight-knit family that loves and treats all of our members equally. Make sure to have a look around. If you like what you see you can always sign-up and join us! Check out the Guide to get started!
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Welcome to your new forum! by Admin
Jul 22, 2017 21:46:14 GMT
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Rules-1.Treat everyone with respect. Do not ignore, bully, or insult other people. It will not be tolerated here.
2. One account per person. You may play as many characters as you'd like, but we ask that you play them all on one account.
3. We have bi-monthly activity checks. Make sure to post on them so your account is not deleted! If you're going to be gone for a while, please make sure to let us know.
​4. Leaders will choose your cat's warrior name if they started out as a kit or an apprentice and became a warrior through roleplay. If you are creating a warrior via application, this does not apply to you. Please refrain from picking warrior names from the original series.
​5.Female characters may have up to 3 litters.
​6.Godmoding and powerplaying are not allowed. Godmoding is playing a character as though they are a god, incapable of being hurt; powerplaying is playing another person's character without their permission.
​7.Your characters may not be incestuous. This includes foster siblings falling in love.
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Hello and welcome to TWCRP! We're a family here and treat all of our members equally. I've set up a handy guide to help beginners just joining our website.
First things first you should read the Rules.They tell you everything you need to know when first joining our community. After that, if you haven't already, you'll need to Register
to create your account to use on the forums. TWCRP is account-per-person so you'll only need one account the whole time you're here.
After creating your account, you'll need to make your cats profile. You can have as many characters as you'd like but make sure to state what character you'll be using once you start role playing as sometimes there can be confusion. The Application has the code that you will be using to make your cat.
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The Gathering and MCM Guidelines by Admin
Aug 5, 2017 3:03:52 GMT
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It's been four seasons since the original clans were created. The first cats had thrived and prospered in the forest. With plenty of prey, they did not go hungry. With great amounts of rainfall, the forest thrived. With harmless leaf-bares, no cat struggled. With nothing in their way, every cat prospered. For many moons it was all the same, but soon they prospered no longer. Prey was no longer in abundance and no cat ate. Rainfall soon stopped coming and the forest stopped blooming. The leaf-bares were harsh and frigid while the green-leafs were dry and scorching. With famine came war and with war came death. Soon, there were no more cats in the forest and all the clans were gone.
The forest is blossoming again and prey is once again in abundance, the clans are back and need new warriors! Although times may be good and prey may be bountiful, pray to StarClan because it won't last forever!
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Your Plot Ideas by Admin
Aug 1, 2017 21:29:09 GMT

Character Related

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You're free to create your own character! Make sure to follow all the directions to get your application accepted. Copy the code in "Application Code", which is the thread above, then head to the Application.
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All pending characters waiting to be accepted are here. Post your character application here.
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All accepted characters will be placed here.
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Tune in here for special ThunderClan news and announcements. Requests can be made here.
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The ThunderClan Forest Camp is in a sandy ravine that used to be a riverbed a long time ago. The camp consists of a clearing edged with thick grass, dotted with tree stumps, and has a thick curtain of ferns and gorse shielding it.It is also surrounded by brambles, and the entrance is through a gorse tunnel. There is a tall boulder in the clearing, called the Highrock, used by the leader to call meetings.The Highrock has scuffed earth around its base. A vast, sandy clearing stretches to the Highrock, which is near a clump of nettles.
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ThunderClan Camp by Admin
Jul 26, 2017 3:08:34 GMT
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The ThunderClan forest territory is located in what Twolegs call the White Hart Woods. The territory also includes Twoleg places such as Windover Road and Chelford Forest. Landmarks in this territory include Tallpines, Sunningrocks, Snakerocks, The Sandy Hollow, TwolegPlace, etc.
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ThunderClan Territory by Admin
Jul 26, 2017 3:10:00 GMT


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Here you can find all the information you need to know about RiverClan. Requests for certain positions can be made here.
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The RiverClan Lake Camp is on a triangle of land between two streams. It can be reached by swimming or by crossing the stream via stepping stones. Twolegs often disturb the cats during Greenleaf; once, they had to abandon the camp as they were harassed by Twoleg kits.
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RiverClan by Admin
Jul 26, 2017 3:23:40 GMT
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The RiverClan forest territory is located in what Twoleg call Morgan Farm's Campsite and the River Chell. Landmarks in this territory include:​
.The Gorge - A deep gorge cut by the river in the terrain, border with WindClan. Apprentices are forbidden to go near it.
.The River - A source of food and protection to the Clan. Sometimes, it is peaceful while other times, it floods.
.Beech copse - A training area for apprentices and warriors.
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RiverClan Territory by Admin
Jul 26, 2017 3:26:53 GMT


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All ShadowClan news and announcements are posted here.If anyone from ShadowClan needs a ceremony or has a request, please post on this board.
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The ShadowClan Forest Camp is in a hollow with muddy ground surrounded by brambles. The entrance is through a thorn tunnel. A smooth boulder, known as the Clanrock, is at the edge of the clearing and is used by the leader to call meetings.
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erictheloner Avatar
ShadowClan Camp by erictheloner
Aug 29, 2017 1:25:35 GMT
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ShadowClan claims the northeastern part of the region, their territory consisting of marshy and damp ground with few trees. It is bordered by a Thunderpath to the south that has a tunnel underneath that permits crossing into ThunderClan grounds.
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ShadowClan Camp by Admin
Jul 26, 2017 3:35:06 GMT


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Ceremony requests, voting threads, Clan-wide events, and other important announcements for ShadowClan can be found here.
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WindClan claims the western part of the territory, wedged between the Thunderpath and the river, consisting of rolling moorland named Windover Moor by the Twolegs. Their camp is in a sandy hollow, surrounded by gorse.
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WindClan Camp by Admin
Jul 26, 2017 3:43:30 GMT
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East of the camp is the Outlook Rock, a large rock from where the moorland can be overseen.
South of the camp is an abandoned badger set, a source of prey.
The moors are almost hollow with tunnels, some made by animals, others by underground streams. WindClan cats use them to move through their territory without being seen.
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WindClan Territory by Admin
Jul 26, 2017 3:47:41 GMT


This is where all the Clans borders with each other are, including where they all meet in the middle at the Gathering Place. Most battles will be fought within these boards.
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Position Requests/Allegiances

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Here is where you can request to be a certain position in a clan. Positions available are Leader and Deputy for RiverClan, WindClan, or ThunderClan. Only the Deputy position is available for ShadowClan. NOTE- This forum will soon be closed so make sure to submit your requests as fast as possible.

Request Guide-
Position Wanted:
Short description of cat. Includes fur color and personality:

To apply you must:
-Already have one accepted character
-Prove yourself active
-Have no other high ranking characters
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Position Requests by Admin
Jul 26, 2017 4:15:15 GMT
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All position requests will be placed here and if accepted will be moved to accepted requests.
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All accepted position requests will be placed here.
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Please post the information below in this thread here in order to get your cats added to the allegiances. Make sure to fill this out for every cat that you have, including kits and elders.
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Allegiances by Admin
Jul 24, 2017 0:03:34 GMT

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Last post in ShadowClan Camp by erictheloner
Aug 29, 2017 1:25:35 GMT
Welcome our newest member, sunshineblue!